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خشک کن عمودی , Vertical dryer

Vertical dryer

Vertical dryer are devices that are used for drying and dehydrating solid materials in the industry, and they are usually used instead of rotary dryers in situations where there is a requirement to work in a limited space.

Vertical dryers are more expensive compared to their rotating type, and at the same time, due to less heat loss, they have higher and better fuel efficiency and less depreciation.

The general way of working is that the material is first transported by an elevator or elevator to the material entry point at the top of the dryer, and after entering the machine, the material is slowly lowered by gravity with the help of mechanical arms and with an adjustable rhythm. They fall down and dry out due to the passage of warm or hot air and exit from the lowest part of the device. Heat can be applied directly or indirectly to materials.

Uses of standing dryers:

  • Drying of soil and minerals
  • Drying chemicals such as sulfates
  • Use as a preheater in lime, dolomite, etc. rotary kilns to increase production and use more fuel.
  • Use as a reheater

Hamun industrial group, after 20 years of experience in producing chemicals, now builds industrial machines and production line.

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